All members are invited to the NBTA General Meeting on Saturday 17th February 2024 at 2pm. This year the meeting will be held by 8×8 video conference and by phone. The online meeting can be accessed via
Alternatively, you can phone in using these dial in details:
0330 808 1706
PIN: 45925961#
Motions proposed by Members must be received by 23.59 hours today 26th January 2024. The motions that will be presented to the meeting will be published on 27th January. Proposed amendments to motions and further motions must be received by 23.59 hours on Wednesday 7th February.
Could you be an NBTA Committee member? Some Committee members have stepped down due to ill health or moving abroad. The General Meeting will elect the new committee for the forthcoming year. Committee members run the NBTA: they do admin or financial management tasks; or represent the NBTA in meetings with navigation and other authorities like CRT, Environment Agency etc; maintain the web site; organise casework and caseworker training; respond to relevant consultations, and much more. Please contact us if you are interested – or step forward at the General Meeting. Contact or 0118 321 4128. We look forward to hearing from you.
For anyone who is interested in joining the NBTA but is not already a member please go to or email or phone 0118 321 4128.