Consultation Responses

The NBTA aims to respond to all consultations by navigation and other authorities on matters that affect Bargee Travellers. This page contains consultation responses and evidence to Parliament submitted by the NBTA. These are listed in alphabetical order of the consulting organisation.

Local NBTA branches such as NBTA London and NBTA River Cam and other local groups that represent Bargee Travellers also respond to consultations on local matters that affect them.

If you hear of a national or local consultation that you think the NBTA should respond to, please contact us.

All Party Parliamentary Group on Waterways
British Waterways
British Waterways Transfer Order
Cambridge City Council
Canal & River Trust
Census 2021
Department for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Department for Education
Department for Transport
Elmbridge, Spelthorne and Runnymede Borough Councils
Environment Act 2021 extension of Smoke Control Orders to moored boats
Environment Agency
Fenland District Council
HM Treasury
HM Revenue and Customs
Home Office
Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into Defending Human Rights
London Assembly
London Borough of Hounslow
London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
Lord Chancellor’s Department
Mayor of London
Middle Level Commissioners
Middle Level Bill
Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) (formerly DCLG)
Ministry of Justice
Norwich City Council
Oxford City Council
Port of London Authority
Public Bodies Bill
Wiltshire Council
Women and Equalities Select Committee Inquiry into Inequalities affecting Gypsies and Travellers

All Party Parliamentary Group on Waterways

2021-06-08 Presentation to APPGW 


NBTA Evidence to APPWG March 2013

British Waterways

2012-09-10 NBTA Response BW Houseboat T&C consultation

2011-06-22 Mooring Guidance Continuous Cruising NBTA rewrite

2011-05-31 NBTA response BW River Lee Mooring Proposals

2009-04-21 NBTA-BW Online Moorings Policy pre-consultation response

British Waterways Transfer Order

The NBTA submitted evidence to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee; the Public Bill Committee; and the Merits of Statutory Instruments Committee:

2012-05-06 NBTA Supplementary Evidence on Transfer Order British Waterways

2012-04-19 NBTA Evidence on Transfer Order British Waterways

2012-04-19 Appendix 1 NBTA Evidence on Transfer Order British Waterways

Cambridge City Council

2017-01-20 NBTA Response to Cambridge City Council moorings policy 2017-2023 consultation

2016-02-23 NBTA response to Cambridge Moorings Consultation

2013-03-14 NBTA Cambridge City Council Riverside moorings consultation response

Canal & River Trust

2023-05-10 NBTA response to Birmingham city centre moorings consultation

2023-04-05 NBTA response to CRT licence fee consultation

2023-03-27 NBTA response to Llangollen moorings consultation

2022-05-15 NBTA members facilities survey for CRT consultation on facility standards

2020-12-21 NBTA complaint CRT Licence T&C consultation 2020

2018-03-13 NBTA comments on CRT Equality Questionnaire

2017-12-18 NBTA response to CRT Licence Review Consultation

2017-12-18 NBTA response to CRT online mooring policy consultation


2016-02-29 NBTA response CRT SE VM changes 2016 consultation

2015-10-05 NBTA complaint CRT policy for boaters without home moorings


2014-05-02 NBTA response to CRT consultation on shared use of towpaths

2014-02-11 NBTA response to CRT mooring sales consultation

2014-02-07 NBTA response to CRT Consultation on Review of Elections to Council

2013-11-25 NBTA response to K&A Mooring Plan consultation

2013-02-06 NBTA response CRT SE Visitor Moorings consultation

Census 2021


2021-10-05 Census 2021 NBTA Study Targets

Department for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

2022-08-29 NBTA Response DEFRA National Air Pollution Control Programme

2022-02-22 Questions and Proposals to DEFRA re Environment Act 2021

2021-12-05 NBTA submission to DEFRA review of CRT grant

2018-10-12 NBTA response to DEFRA domestic burning consultation

In March 2018 the NBTA submitted a copy of its evidence on air quality to the Mayor of London’s Office in response to DEFRA’s Call for evidence on domestic burning of house coal, smokeless coal, manufactured solid fuel and wet wood

2016-10-11 NBTA submission on transfer of EA navigations to CRTV2

2011-10-03 NBTA Response DEFRA BW Transfer Consultation

Department for Education

2019-06-24 NBTA response to DfE consultation on Children Not In School

Department for Energy Security and Net Zero


Department for Transport

2021-10-27 NBTA response to DfT consultation enforcement dangerous use of recreational and personal watercraft

2020-01-09 NBTA response call-for-evidence-air-pollutant-emissions-from-domestic-vessels-and-inland-waterways

Elmbridge, Spelthorne and Runnymede Borough Councils

2023-12-27 NBTA response to Elmbridge PSPO consultation

2023-03-19 NBTA response to Elmbridge PSPO consultationV2

2019-07-29 NBTA response to Elmbridge PSPO consultation

Environment Act 2021 extension of Smoke Control Orders to moored boats

2024-03-28 NBTA Objection to Hillingdon Smoke Control Order

2024-02-07 NBTA Objection to Hammersmith and Fulham Smoke Control Order

2023-08-06 Objection to Revision to Broxtowe Smoke Control Orders

2023-04-24 NBTA Objection to Kingston Smoke Control Order

2023-03-29 NBTA Objection to revision to Cannock Chase Smoke Control Orders

Environment Agency

2021-09-16 NBTA response to EA Boat registration charges proposals from 1 January 2022

2018-08-24 NBTA response EA charges consultation

2018-01-14 NBTA response EA charging pre-consultation

Fenland District Council

2018-02-26 NBTA response Fenland DC moorings consultation

HM Revenue and Customs

2019-09-06 NBTA Consultation Response HMRC Implementation CJEU Judgement Red Diesel

HM Treasury

2020-09-30 NBTA response Treasury Red diesel consultation


Home Office

2020-02-28 NBTA response to Consultation Strengthening Police Powers Unauthorised Encampments

Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into Defending Human Rights

2018-04-30 NBTA evidence Inquiry into Defending Human Rights

London Assembly

2013-05-31 NBTA Evidence for London Assembly moorings review

London Borough of Hounslow

2019-03-05 NBTA Response to Hounslow draft byelaws


London Borough of Richmond upon Thames


2012-04-05 NBTA consultation response LB Richmond byelaw proposals

Lord Chancellor’s Department

2016-05-19 NBTA Response Reforming the courts’ approach to McKenzie Friends

Mayor of London


2017-11-14 NBTA response Mayor of London Clean Air Strategy

Middle Level Commissioners

2019-11-17 NBTA objections to draft Middle Level Navigation Byelaws

2016-06-29 NBTA Middle Level navigation consultation response

Middle Level Bill

2018-03-08 NBTA Petition Middle Level Bill

2017-01-24 NBTA Petition Middle Level Bill

Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) (formerly DCLG)

2019-07-12 NBTA Evidence to MHCLG Inquiry into provision of social affordable rented housing

2018-06-14 NBTA Response to Consultation on Enforcement Powers

2016-07-14 NBTA additional comments on draft guidance s124 Housing and Planning Act 2016

2016-05-13 NBTA comments on draft guidance S115 Housing and Planning Bill

2011-08-04 NBTA response DCLG traveller sites-definition consultation

Ministry of Justice

2011-02-09 NBTA response-legal-aid-reform-consultation

Norwich City Council

2017-09-14 NBTA response Norwich City Draft R Wensum Strategy

Oxford City Council

2017-08-25_NBTA_response OCC_draft_Local_Plan_consultation


Port of London Authority

2021-10-11 Ref HRO-2020-00005 NBTA response MMO Thames Tideway HRO consultation

2019-12-10-NBTA Response to PLA HRO consultation

Public Bodies Bill

2011-08-13 NBTA Briefing on Public Bodies Bill and British Waterways v3.3

2011-09-06 NBTA Evidence for Public Bill Committee on Public Bodies Bill

Wiltshire Council

2020-03-10 Wiltshire GRTB Strategy Public Consultation NBTA response

2018-06-28 NBTA response Wiltshire Boaters Survey Report

Women and Equalities Select Committee Inquiry into Inequalities affecting Gypsies and Travellers

2017-04-25 NBTA Evidence to Women and Equalities Committee