Canal & River Trust (CRT) has proposed a discriminatory surcharge for travelling boaters, this is essentially a fine for not having a home mooring. We believe this to be a pivotal aspect of CRT’s ongoing project to restrict our moorings, increase enforcement and price us off the waterways. In order to prevent CRT from applying this surcharge on our community please write to your MP and encourage your family and friends to do the same. The CRT and prior waterways authorities such as British Waterways have a track record of buckling under the pressure applied by boating organisations and individuals. We must act now to protect our way of life!
If you are a travelling boater living on the waterways please write to your MP via this link using this template letter Letter to MP from boaters
If you are not a boater yourself but care about the welfare of the waterways and their residents please write to your MP using this link and this template letter Letter to MP from land dwellers
If you don’t have a permanent address, your MP is the MP for where you are now; use a nearby postcode such as a boatyard, Post Office or pub and say you live on a boat with no fixed address. You don’t have to be registered to vote to contact an MP. To find your MP, see or