Support the Bristol Harbour boaters!

The NBTA represents itinerant boat dwellers, but we stand in solidarity with all liveaboards whose homes are under threat because they are in the way of an organisation increasing its profits. Liveaboard boaters in Bristol Harbour are currently being faced with draconian new mooring fee increases of up to 177%. The Harbour Authority, Bristol City Council, plans to implement these new fees with just 3 months notice. There has been no consultation and no attempt to carry out even a basic impact assessment. To add insult to injury, the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, has accused boat dwellers of being “privileged” and “abusing the system”. Mr Rees later apologised to a packed public gallery in Bristol City Hall during a full council meeting on 24th January, and promised to meet with boaters about the huge fee hike. This followed representations by Stand Against Racism and Inequality (SARI) and the Council’s Gypsy, Roma and Traveller team. But the council’s cabinet also agreed to press ahead with the fee hike, and “consult” with people later.

Bristol Harbour boaters say that “The ferries, the boat dwellers, community organisations, leisure users and vast majority of the citizens and businesses who live and work in the harbour were not consulted by the Council’s Harbour Review Board beyond an initial “introductory meeting”. The Harbour Review Board also deliberately failed to conduct even a basic impact assessment. This represents a total failure in the democratic process to ensure the protection of people’s livelihoods, homes and families”. Please sign and share their petition below:

See also